Recently in one of the classes I was teaching, we got on the topic of transformation and prayer. And we mulled over in our discussion as to what the point of prayer was: "do we pray to change God or do we pray to change ourselves?" What an interesting point. In many ways, the struggle for humanity is the battle between our will and God's will. When faced with the greatest challenge of his life, Jesus stood in the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed for God to "let this cup pass." Yet ultimately he resolves, "let they will be done." Yet I question, did that leave Jesus disappointed?
We set goals, have desires of pure intentions, strive for things in life and yet when we come face to face with an alternative plan for our lives, are we disappointed? Even if we learn that it is God's plan for us and we are called to trust and walk in faith, does that leave us disappointed? Indeed sometimes our plans are not God's plans, yet there are other times when we believe we have followed God's plan for our lives and we struggle accepting whether a new direction is of God.
Perhaps my questions appear confusing (isn't that the point of a blog?) but I am struggling with that sense and those notions of disappointment. In trying to discern whether God's plan is set before me or if my way is taking precedence. Perhaps for you in a job transition, or if your heart was broken by someone else, or still grieving a loss that has left you wondering what's ahead. Are we being led by our own desire despite being steered in a different direction by events around us? Have we asked God what God wants? Or maybe God wants what we want?
So we all keep walking, praying, discerning, and hoping ...... hoping that there will be grace in the end that illuminates the mistakes and guides in the days ahead, climbing adversity or accepting what is given to us.